void ccv_minimize(ccv_dense_matrix_t *x, int length, double red, ccv_minimize_f func, ccv_minimize_param_t params, void *data)
Linear-search to minimize function with partial derivatives. It is formed after minimize.m.
- x: The input vector.
- length: The length of line.
- red: The step size.
- func: (int ccv_minimize_f)(const ccv_dense_matrix_t* x, double* f, ccv_dense_matrix_t* df, void* data). Compute the function value, and its partial derivatives.
- params: A ccv_minimize_param_t structure that defines various aspect of the minimize function.
- data: Any extra user data.
- extrap: Extrapolate value.
- interp: Interpolate value.
- max_iter: Maximum iterations.
- ratio: Increase ratio.
- rho: Decrease ratio.
- sig: Sigma.
void ccv_filter(ccv_dense_matrix_t *a, ccv_dense_matrix_t *b, ccv_dense_matrix_t **d, int type, int padding_pattern)
Convolve on dense matrix a with dense matrix b. This function has a soft dependency on FFTW3. If no FFTW3 exists, ccv will use KissFFT shipped with it. FFTW3 is about 35% faster than KissFFT.
- a: Dense matrix a.
- b: Dense matrix b.
- d: The output matrix.
- type: The type of output matrix, if 0, ccv will try to match the input matrix for appropriate type.
- padding_pattern: ccv doesn’t support padding pattern for now.
void ccv_filter_kernel(ccv_dense_matrix_t *x, ccv_filter_kernel_f func, void *data)
Fill a given dense matrix with a kernel function.
- x: The matrix to be filled with.
- func: (double ccv_filter_kernel_f(double x, double y, void* data), compute the value with given x, y.
- data: Any extra user data.
void ccv_distance_transform(ccv_dense_matrix_t *a, ccv_dense_matrix_t **b, int type, ccv_dense_matrix_t **x, int x_type, ccv_dense_matrix_t **y, int y_type, double dx, double dy, double dxx, double dyy, int flag)
Distance transform. The current implementation follows Distance Transforms of Sampled Functions. The dynamic programming technique has O(n) time complexity.
- a: The input matrix.
- b: The output matrix.
- type: The type of output matrix, if 0, ccv will try to match the input matrix for appropriate type.
- x: The x coordinate offset.
- x_type: The type of output x coordinate offset, if 0, ccv will default to CCV_32S | CCV_C1.
- y: The y coordinate offset.
- y_type: The type of output x coordinate offset, if 0, ccv will default to CCV_32S | CCV_C1.
- dx: The x coefficient.
- dy: The y coefficient.
- dxx: The x^2 coefficient.
- dyy: The y^2 coefficient.
- flag: CCV_GSEDT, generalized squared Euclidean distance transform. CCV_NEGATIVE, negate value in input matrix for computation; effectively, this enables us to compute the maximum distance transform rather than minimum (default one).
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