This is a implementation of deep convolutional networks mainly for image recognition and object detection.
ccv_convnet_new(int use_cwc_accel, ccv_size_t input, ccv_convnet_layer_param_t params[], int count)
Create a new (deep) convolutional network with specified parameters. ccv only supports convolutional layer (shared weights), max pooling layer, average pooling layer, full connect layer and local response normalization layer.
- use_cwc_accel: Whether use CUDA-enabled GPU to accelerate various computations for convolutional network.
- input: Ihe input size of the image, it is not necessarily the input size of the first convolutional layer.
- params[]: The C-array of ccv_convnet_layer_param_t that specifies the parameters for each layer.
- count: The size of params[] C-array.
return: A new deep convolutional network structs
- bias: The initialization value for bias if applicable (for convolutional layer and full connect layer).
- glorot: The truncated uniform distribution coefficients for weights if applicable (for convolutional layer and full connect layer, glorot / sqrt(in + out)).
- input: A ccv_convnet_input_t specifies the input structure.
- output: A ccv_convnet_type_t specifies the output parameters and structure.
- matrix.channels: The number of channels of the input matrix.
- matrix.cols: The number of columns of the input matrix.
- matrix.partition: The number of partitions of the input matrix, it must be dividable by the number of channels (it is partitioned by channels).
- matrix.rows: The number of rows of the input matrix.
- node.count: The number of nodes. You should either use node or matrix to specify the input structure.
- convolutional.border: The padding border size for the input matrix.
- convolutional.channels: The number of channels for convolutional filter.
- convolutional.cols: The number of columns for convolutional filter.
- convolutional.count: The number of filters for convolutional layer.
- convolutional.partition: The number of partitions for convolutional filter.
- convolutional.rows: The number of rows for convolutional filter.
- convolutional.strides: The strides for convolutional filter.
- full_connect.count: The number of output nodes for full connect layer.
- full_connect.relu: 0 - ReLU, 1 - no ReLU
- pool.border: The padding border size for the input matrix.
- pool.size: The window size for pooling layer.
- pool.strides: The strides for pooling layer.
- rnorm.alpha: See rnorm.kappa.
- rnorm.beta: See rnorm.kappa.
- rnorm.kappa: As of b[i] = a[i] / (rnorm.kappa + rnorm.alpha * sum(a, i - rnorm.size / 2, i + rnorm.size / 2)) ^ rnorm.beta
- rnorm.size: The size of local response normalization layer.
int ccv_convnet_verify(ccv_convnet_t *convnet, int output)
Verify the specified parameters make sense as a deep convolutional network.
- convnet: A deep convolutional network to verify.
- output: The output number of nodes (for the last full connect layer).
return: 0 if the given deep convolutional network making sense.
void ccv_convnet_supervised_train(ccv_convnet_t *convnet, ccv_array_t *categorizeds, ccv_array_t *tests, const char *filename, ccv_convnet_train_param_t params)
Start to train a deep convolutional network with given parameters and data.
- convnet: A deep convolutional network that is initialized.
- categorizeds: An array of images with its category information for training.
- tests: An array of images with its category information for validating.
- filename: The working file to save progress and the trained convolutional network.
- params: A ccv_convnet_train_param_t that specifies the training parameters.
- color_gain: The color variance for data augmentation (0 means no such augmentation).
- device_count: Use how many GPU devices, this is capped by available CUDA devices on your system. For now, ccv’s implementation only support up to 4 GPUs
- image_manipulation: The value for image brightness / contrast / saturation manipulations.
- input.max_dim: The maximum dimensions for random resize of training images.
- input.min_dim: The minimum dimensions for random resize of training images.
- iterations: The number of iterations (an iteration is for one batch) before save the progress.
- layer_params: An C-array of ccv_convnet_layer_train_param_t training parameters for each layer.
- max_epoch: The number of epoch (an epoch sweeps through all the examples) to go through before end the training.
- mini_batch: The number of examples for a batch in stochastic gradient descent.
- peer_access: Enable peer access for cross device communications or not, this will enable faster multiple device training.
- sgd_frequency: After how many batches when we do a SGD update.
- symmetric: Whether to exploit the symmetric property of the provided examples.
- bias: A ccv_convnet_layer_sgd_param_t specifies the stochastic gradient descent update rule for bias, it is only applicable for full connect layer and convolutional layer weight.
- dor: The dropout rate for this layer, it is only applicable for full connect layer.
- w: A ccv_convnet_layer_sgd_param_t specifies the stochastic gradient descent update rule for weight, it is only applicable for full connect layer and convolutional layer.
- decay: See learn_rate.
- learn_rate: New velocity = momentum * old velocity - decay * learn_rate * old value + learn_rate * delta, new value = old value + new velocity
- momentum: See learn_rate.
void ccv_convnet_encode(ccv_convnet_t *convnet, ccv_dense_matrix_t **a, ccv_dense_matrix_t **b, int batch)
Use a convolutional network to encode an image into a compact representation.
- convnet: The given convolutional network.
- a: A C-array of input images.
- b: A C-array of output matrix of compact representation.
- batch: The number of input images.
void ccv_convnet_classify(ccv_convnet_t *convnet, ccv_dense_matrix_t **a, int symmetric, ccv_array_t **ranks, int tops, int batch)
Use a convolutional network to classify an image into categories.
- convnet: The given convolutional network.
- a: A C-array of input images.
- symmetric: Whether the input is symmetric.
- ranks: A C-array of ccv_array_t contains top categories by the convolutional network.
- tops: The number of top categories return for each image.
- batch: The number of input images.
ccv_convnet_read(int use_cwc_accel, const char *filename)
Read a convolutional network that persisted on the disk.
- use_cwc_accel: Use CUDA-enabled GPU acceleration.
- filename: The file on the disk.
void ccv_convnet_write(ccv_convnet_t *convnet, const char *filename, ccv_convnet_write_param_t params)
Write a convolutional network to a disk.
- convnet: A given convolutional network.
- filename: The file on the disk.
- params: A ccv_convnet_write_param_t to specify the write parameters.
- half_precision: Use half precision float point to represent network parameters.
void ccv_convnet_compact(ccv_convnet_t *convnet)
Free up temporary resources of a given convolutional network.
- convnet: A convolutional network.
void ccv_convnet_free(ccv_convnet_t *convnet)
Free up the memory of a given convolutional network.
- convnet: A convolutional network.
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